Events Writing News


Over the past fews years, I have taken a hiatus from painting, and I have been focusing on writing.

Writing, like painting, has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a child, I wrote short stories, and created my own cartoon stories with illustrations. I’ve always enjoyed writing fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Since 2019, I have attended the Surrey International Writers Conference each year. This is an excellent conference for all writers, from beginner to published. No matter where you are on the writing journey, there is always something to learn. Beyond that, this conference is a wonderfully welcoming environment where writers can connect with other writers.

As of yesterday, I just finished participating in NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month) for the first time. It was a challenge, but I managed to write every day, and reached the goal of 50,000 words – 50,247 to be exact – in November. It has been an enlightening experience, as I discover what I’m capable of, and how to just let writing flow. This will be the foundation for my first draft of my fantasy novel.

Events The Past Year


It’s been almost a year since I’ve posted. It’s hard to believe how time flies by. It was an exciting and eventful year! It’s a lot to go over, and here are just a couple of highlights. I worked on two film projects. These were for two TV shows. That was a lot of fun! Hard work and grueling long hours, but yes, totally fun!!! I also worked on creating new paintings. I planned to have a show at some point late in 2015, but that didn’t happen with everything else going on. Once I’m ready, I’ll work on a show for 2016.

I had an opportunity to just play with a painting, without a pre-conceived idea of what I wanted from it. It was an experiment, using different mediums, and just exploring its development as it unfolded.

It started with a piece of wood, some charcoal, and a blind fold. I played with different types of texture. Slowly over time, I added layers of acrylic paint and pouring medium. I would sit and stare at it for a while, then add layers of colour here and there. I’d return days later, and add some more layers. Over the months, I continued to work on other paintings, as I contemplated the next steps on the wood piece. About five months after I started the painting with the blind fold, I declared it finished. Below are some pictures of the progression. It was incredibly freeing to just play and experiment, and enjoy the process. Every time I look at the painting, I remember how good it felt creating it. I love the rawness of the wood and the original charcoal marks showing through the layers of paint and pouring medium. I’m still thinking about what to name it.

Drawing blindfolded

Drawing with charcoal while blindfolded.

Adding texture, and emphasizing interesting areas and shapes.

Adding texture, and emphasizing interesting areas and shapes.

Application of charcoal and texture.

Application of charcoal and texture.

The finished painting, after many layers of colour.

The finished painting, after many layers of colour.

Events Sakai painting ‘Bonanza’ donated in support of Arthritis Research Canada


My Bonanza painting is based on the Hubble Space Telescope’s image of Galaxy NGC1569. On May 21, 2015, it will be part of the silent auction at the ARThritis Soiree 2015!

For event and ticket information on this important and elegant evening, please see ARThritis Soiree 2015

Bonanza painting


Events Group Exhibition at ROAM Gallery


What a great night! Here is a small selection of photos from the event…

Friends talking at the group exhibition

Friends talking at the group exhibition

With Andy Chu at the show

With Andy Chu at the show

With Donna Pepin in front of the artwork

With Donna Pepin in front of the artwork


Events Sakai Paintings at ROAM Gallery


ROAM Gallery Group Exhibition & Artist Reception

My ‘Human Element’ series of paintings will be part of a group exhibition at ROAM Gallery.

Event Details
November 3, 2014 – December 7, 2014
Artist Reception: Friday, November 14, 2014 6pm – 10pm
ROAM Gallery – City Square Mall
555 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver BC
Gallery open by appointment

At the reception, wine and beer will be available by donation.

Upcoming group show at ROAM Gallery

Upcoming group show at ROAM Gallery

Events A Beautiful Evening of Fashion, Art, and Science


What an amazing night on September 16, 2014, at Malene Grotrian’s Full Circle fashion event! Beautiful clothes, and art in support of the scientific research for ovarian cancer.

Here is a clip from go! Vancouver on ovarian cancer research, featuring Donna, a survivor, and her work with Malene Grotrian.

It was an honour to donate my ‘Inside Out’ painting in support of this.

Below are some pictures from the event…

Fashion event

Malene Grotrian fashion event. Photo by Tony Yuen

Fashion event

Sakai wearing one of Malene Grotrian’s designs at the Full Circle Fashion event

Painting 'Inside Out'

Sakai with her ‘Inside Out’ painting, donated in support of the UBC Ovcare research team

Events Sakai Painting “Inside Out” Donated for Ovarian Cancer Research


My painting will be part of a silent art auction at Malene Grotrian’s Full Circle Fashion Event on September 16, 2014. Proceeds from the art auction are in support of Ovcare, British Columbia’s ovarian cancer research team.

It’s going to be an amazing night of fashion, art, and fundraising! For more information on the event, and to get tickets, please see Malene’s site at Malene Grotrian Design.

Full Circle Fashion Event

Full Circle Fashion Event September 16, 2014

Painting: Inside Out

This painting is based on the Hubble Space Telescope image of the Crab Nebula (M1)

Events TREADZ Tire Art in Group Exhibition


Select paintings from the TREADZ Tire Art series will be on display at The Archer and The Horseman art gallery. This group exhibition will be part of the Rove Art Opening Night Tour.

The Archer and The Horseman Gallery
208 East 16th Avenue, at Main Street
Vancouver, BC

Thursday, May 1, 2014
6pm – 9pm

Art Installations Sakai Paintings Featured in High Point Equestrian Estate Home


It was wonderful collaborating with Tony Yuen from Empyr Living on ‘The Aristocratic Estate,’ along with Autoform Performance Inc!

My paintings are displayed in this beautiful home, located in the heart of High Point Equestrian Estates, Langley BC.

The real estate listing can be viewed at Empyr Living.

Aristocratic Estate

Stacy Sakai ~ Fine Art, Autoform Performance Inc., and Empyr Living collaboration.

Aristocratic Estate dining room

Sakai’s Firestorm painting in the dining room of ‘The Aristocratic Estate.’

Omega Swan above fireplace

Sakai’s Omega Swan painting above the fireplace.

Entrance of home

The beautiful entrance.

Events Sakai’s Memory Neuron Paintings at the Richmond Art Gallery


Here are my three ‘Memory Neuron’ paintings that I created for the Richmond Art Gallery’s recent “Memory: Mail Art Exhibition!” The exhibit is open until January 12, 2014. They will also have an online exhibit that will be up for one year.

Memory Neurons I

Memory Neurons I

Memory Neurons II

Memory Neurons II

Memory Neurons III

Memory Neurons III

Update – April 2014:
This exhibition is now available on the Richmond Art Gallery website. View the Memory Neuron paintings here, and enjoy browsing all of the other artwork country by country!