Archive for June, 2013

Events Photography exhibit at the historical Wing Sang Building in Chinatown, Vancouver BC


Today, I attended Malcolm Parry’s photography exhibit. The Wing Sang Building in Chinatown (Bob Rennie’s private gallery for his art collection) showcased 365 photographs by Malcolm Parry, who has documented over 40 years of Vancouver’s social scene. It was amazing to see the people and events he has captured over the years. In 2009, Malcolm wrote a piece in the Vancouver Sun about my Spaced Out! art show.

Malcolm Parry Vancouver 365

Malcolm Parry’s photography exhibit

Sakai with Malcolm Parry

Stacy Sakai with Malcolm Parry at his show

Hallway inside the Wing Sang Building

Hallway inside the Wing Sang Building…previous building structure is blended with the modern design of the gallery.

 On the rooftop

The view from the rooftop of the Wing Sang Building.

Looking through the sky light into the exhibit below

Looking through the sky light into the exhibit below