Artist Statement
My art is a reflection of what I am passionate about. Life is a journey of exploration and discovery, and my oil paintings are expressions of my perspective, interests, and experiences. I find creating art to be very sensual and fulfilling. It takes me to a meditative place beyond words, bringing spirituality and harmony into my life.
I begin a painting in my mind, contemplating how to express it on canvas, how to layer the colours, how to infuse it with the way I feel about it. I am methodical and structured in my approach, yet I paint freely. The paintbrush in my hand allows for a direct expression from my heart and soul. My recent paintings are based on images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Of the thousands of images the Hubble provides us, each one I choose to paint is very carefully selected based on how it makes me feel. It’s a personal connection. Painting galaxies and nebulae is my way of reaching out and touching the universe. I find it very humbling.
I believe art is an expression of our energy and our soul. It is my vision for my art to be uplifting, and to inspire people to contemplate our universe and our place within it.